在电力行业的---企业中校准仪器仪表的 ----- 深圳科陆电子股份有限公司 2015年的---过程中,盛雷城精密电阻有限公司凭借优异的产品品质和---地产品,一举获中标 全部产品!这是盛雷城精密电阻有限公司荣获 江西省---企业--- 之后又一次 殊荣, 也是盛雷城精密电阻有限公司全体员工的又一大喜之事!
其中包括稳定的模压型精密电阻 ee 系列, 超的模压型精密电阻 upr 系列,大功率氧化膜电阻器 ry 系列,涂覆型精密电阻器 rj 系列,还有,盛雷城的精密晶圆电阻器 rjm 系列等,南山区精密电阻,都在中标之列。
--- precision resistor co., ltd. has been starting equipment upgrade program. fiber laser trimming systems will rece
all the yag laser&simi-conductor laser.
fiber laser is the most stabilized laser system that will increase the quality of the groove on the resistors so that the stability of the resistors will be increased accordingly.
--- precision resistors makes high precision&ultra precision resistors&ultra precision resistor networks with really high stability&reliability already!
大功率电阻器是现代工业和电力系统需要的重要元件,盛雷城精密电阻有限公司一直在研发大功率和---功率电阻器,电阻器的电流负载能力非常之大,的体积可以负载从10w,15w,分压精密电阻,30w, 50w, 100w,贴片精密电阻, 150w, 300w,绕线精密电阻,甚至---1000w功率!
--- precision resistor co., ltd. has been working on high power resistors for more that 10 years. the high power resistors/say extra high power resistors reach 1000w power loading capability in water cooling system.
upr series