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13798596435 | 0755-26611344    商盟通会员
  • 联系手机| 13798596435
  • 主营产品|尚未填写
  • 单位地址| 深圳市南山区马家龙工业区16栋厂房

rrxm series melf type wire wound fusible resistors:rrx series fusible wire wound resistors are designed as fusible safety resistor (or, ac mains input resistors) in electric appliances&energy meters. the spe---lly selected resistive winding wire&spe---l non-flammable silicon cement coating material are adopted to ensure safe&silent fusing operation without flame&immediate interruption in overload conditi. wide range of overload currents is available upon request.

rrxm 系列线绕熔断型晶圆电阻器可以根据用户的要求,进行无感设计制造: rrx系列熔断线绕电阻器在电器和电能仪表中被设计为熔断保险电阻(或ac电源输入电阻)。同时,它作为一个为正常运行在高峰限流电阻。 ---选定的合金电阻丝和特殊的阻燃性硅水泥涂层材料,可以---在过载发生时,可以及时、安全和安静的熔断,不产生明火。熔断的过载电流范围的可根据要求进行调整。 特殊的阻燃性硅水泥涂层具有优异的散热和导热性能以及---的电气绝缘性能。这使设计人员能够更容易地满足安全验收要求,而不需要额外的熔断器。

rrxm series melf type wire wound fusible resistors is one kind of supreme security function resistors spe---lly designed for high quality power suppliers&power switchs, power meters&hgih quality instruments.--- precision resistor co., ltd. has developed fusible wire wound resistors, wire wound fusible resistors on requests of our customers&the new melf type fusible wire wound resistors, smt type high power rating wire wound fusible resistors had been approved by our honarable customers!


盛雷城精密电阻有限公司有严格的管理系统,拥有---的生产加工设备,制造的精密电阻和精密电阻精密可达万分之一,温度系数可低至1ppm, 公司经营方式灵活多元化,产品品种多,稳定,品质,享誉并远销欧美、印度、巴西、俄罗斯等国,20多年来,盛雷城精密电阻注重信誉、看重长远,---、惠,服务一yiliu流,得到了广大用户的---并成为长久的合作伙伴。

--- precision resistor co.,ltd. has stirct requirements in our quality management system,崇义精密电阻, we have advanced manufacture equipments.professional production of precision resistor&ultra high precision resistors,upr精密电阻0.05%,whosetol can reach 0.01%&tcr can reach 1ppm, our company diversified&flexible mode of operation, product variety,模压精密电阻0.1%, stable quality, excellent quality, famous in domestic market&exported to europe&the united states, india, brazil, russia etc. over 20 years, --- focus on long-term cooperation, pay attention to credibility, quality assurance, preferential prices, first-class service, the majority of users have been recognized&become a long-term partner.



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