--- precision resistor co.,melf精密电阻, ltd. makes the highest stability resistors in the world for many years.
upr series ultra precision resistors are the right cross to vishays aur series&fpr, fps series metal foil resistors&had been adopted by many customers for many years.
upr series ultra precision resistors are of the highest stability of the resistors with less than 20ppm annual drift in cectively working year!
盛雷城精密电阻有限公---期以来,一直在制造上稳定性高的电阻器--upr 系列稳定、超、---温度系数的电阻器,具有小于 20ppm 的连续工作年度变化量!多家用户的长期使用记录提供了---的证明!
rrxm series melf type wire wound fusible resistors is one kind of supreme security function resistors spe---lly designed for high quality power suppliers&power switchs, power meters&hgih quality instruments.--- precision resistor co.,色环精密电阻, ltd. has developed fusible wire wound resistors, wire wound fusible resistors on requests of our customers&the new melf type fusible wire wound resistors, smt type high power rating wire wound fusible resistors had been approved by our honarable customers!
盛雷城精密电阻有限公司是、、高---性电阻器的生产,晶圆精密电阻,用户包括美国福禄公司、日本三瓦公司、美国艾默生公司、美国ge公司、意大利电力公司、华为公司等的国际公司,产品性能得到美国福禄克公司的满分,得到美国艾默生公司--- 供应商的---......
晶圆精密电阻-香港科技园精密电阻-雷城精密电阻是制造商由盛雷城精密电阻(江西)有限公司提供。盛雷城精密电阻(江西)有限公司是江西 赣州 ,电阻器的见证者,多年来,公司贯彻执行科学管理、---发展、诚实守信的方针,满足客户需求。在雷城电阻---携全体员工热情欢迎---垂询洽谈,共创雷城电阻美好的未来。