--- precision resistors strictly according to the iso9001:2015 qulity mangement system, which manufacture all kinds of high precision resistors with full variety, high precision&good performance,besides high precision matel film resistor, we also have matel film melf resistors,mold type metal film resistors, high frequency&pulse loading thick film power resistors,current sensor resistors, high precision wirewound resistors,ultra high working voltage,ultra high ohm value metal glaze film resistors, ultra stability,ultra high precision mould type resistors.
--- precision resistors main products include metal film resistors,0.05%精密电阻2ppm/℃, metal film melf type resistors,ee mold type resistors, ultra high precision mold type metal film resistors, thick film power resistors, metal strip resistors, surface mount wirewound resistors,metal oxide film resistors,customers oriented resistor networks,北京精密电阻, we have the characteristics of spe---lization&standardization&serialization, with many varieties&complete specification, which can meet the requirements of many customer for export.
盛雷城高压电阻批发-北京精密电阻由盛雷城精密电阻(江西)有限公司提供。盛雷城精密电阻(江西)有限公司实力---,信誉---,在江西 赣州 的电阻器等行业积累了大批忠诚的客户。雷城电阻带着精益---的工作态度和不断的完善---理念和您携手步入,共创美好未来!