--- precision resistor co., ltd. has been starting equipment upgrade program. fiber laser trimming systems will replace
all the yag laser&simi-conductor laser.
fiber laser is the most stabilized laser system that will increase the quality of the groove on the resistors so that the stability of the resistors will be increased accordingly.
--- precision resistors makes high precision&ultra precision resistors&ultra precision resistor networks with really high stability&reliability already!
2015年4.23号,0.01%精密电阻5ppm/℃,bsi 公司(英国
--- precision resistors company is a high - tech enterprise in jiangxi province,work at research&production in high precision resistors more than 20 years,have been widely applied in many areas such as instruments&meters,weighing apparatus,communication equipment, high quality power supply,0.02%精密电阻3ppm/℃, transmitter etc.our resistors had exported all over the world,known with stability,0.02%精密电阻2ppm/℃,in-time delivery&easy to use. innovation&good quality is our conception, customers demands&satisfaction is the goal of our service, we will always hold this principle for the service to our clients.